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Let's stop this silent slaughter


Let's stop this silent slaughter


Let's stop this silent slaughter


Let's stop this silent slaughter

Every human being, by the mere fact of being born, has the right to health, nutrition, education, housing and a dignified existence. Every human being has the right to happiness and the fullness of his or her existence.

Stop Malaria is a campaign promoted by Energia for Human Rights in Senegal and Gambia that aims at raising awareness, prevention and treatment of Malaria.

We want to raise public awareness of the seriousness of the problem and denounce those responsible, with the aim of generating a great wave of protest and pressure on national and international institutions to fully commit themselves to the fight against this disease. Our volunteers and international partners are concentrated in key areas of Africa.

How You Can Help

Donate 10€ Online

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For the purchase of a diagnosis E2 mosquito net.

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Dona il tuo 5×1000

Ogni anno puoi scegliere di donare il 5 x mille della Dichiarazione dei tuoi redditi (730, Unico, CUD) per aiutarci a difendere i diritti umani di tante persone meno fortunate di te.


Volunteer in Italy or Abroad!
To make this forgotten massacre emerge from silence, we need the contribution, creativity and enthusiasm of the greatest number of people.

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